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KMID : 0362419960340020349
1996 Volume.34 No. 2 p.349 ~ p.362
Comparison of stone surface porosities caused by hydrogen gas from addition silicone impression materials
Yoo So-Jeong

Lee Keun-Woo
Kim Kyoung-Nam
To determine the factors to affect on stone surface porosities produced from hydrogen gas of additional silicone, both putty and syringe type of 7 commercially different additional silicone impression materials(Blend-A-Scon, Correct VPS, Exaflex, Express, Extrude, Provil, Reprosil) were chosen and New Fujirock(GC) was poured into the impressions of detail-reproducing test block at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes after the impression materials and set and 4 specimens were made for each pouring time, each type of impression material, and each consistency and So, 280 specimens were made in total. The number of surface porosities of same area(2826 §±) which were typically caused by hydrogen gas using the stereoscope (¡¿7.5) by two observers. Comparison of putty - syringe type and among the impression materials are tested by Kruscal-Wallis method and Mann-Whitney method(p<0.05). @ES The results are as follows. 1. The number of porosities decreased as the pouring time of stone was delayed on both putty and syringe type of additional silicone materials. 2. The putty type significantly produced more porosities than syringe type except for the group of Reprosil. p<0.05). 3. In case of putty type, the number of porosities increased as following order. Reprosil /Blend-A-Scon and Provil / Correct VPS and Extrude /Express and Exaflex. 4. In case of syringe type, Blend-A-Scon and Extrude produced no porosity and Exaflex and Provil at 30 minites, but Express produced porosities even at 60 minutes and the most. Additional silicone impression material releases hydrogen gas, and that fact can make the resulting die stone model useless. So, to minimize these adverse effects, it is desirable not to expose putty type of additional silicone on critical
impression surface because putty type has a tendency to produce more porosities than syringe type. And it is important to have sufficient time before pouring the stone on impression because porosities produce less as time passes after setting of impression material. Also, there are differences among 7 addtional silicone impression materials, so it is desirable to choose adequate brand of additional silicone for good laboratory work.
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